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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Tech Rise India - Science and Technology

We've engineered a world in which pivotal elements profoundly build upon science and technology. WE have also made it in such a way that most of the users are not fully acquainted with it.  This is a prescription for calamity. We might distant ourselves for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of disregard and power will come in terms with us.

Science and Technology is a boon or a curse is a question which prevails and palpitates in millions of our mind.   Rise in globalization on one hand made our ventures facile on the other handicaps the human exhort of toil. 
“A society which seeks for a rescue will never be able to rescue itself” . Dependence is an encumbrance which marks failure for the entire nation. How could be a creator be slave to its creation? We are becoming slaves in thought and in our action, of the machine we raised to serve us.  Internet, mobile phones, plays- stations has usurped the yearn of a kid to go and play with his mates developing indolence lethargy and obsession.

Once upon a time we were people brimming of innocence. But that was before we initiated our affair with mechanical systems. We got engrossed with the machines and became a factor.  A factor dwelling without any conscience!

The man idea of Technology for the nation is to make his nation secure. His insecurity of somebody overpowering his nation made him calculate the ways he can raise as a superpower. He made Nuclear weapons and He made missiles in the process of fighting with monsters he became one of them and the abyss he was gazing along, gazed backed to him and grinned.

Cyber Crimes like Hacking, Derogatory Mms scandals, pornography derived for such kind of exploitation of technology.  Exploitation of technology for solving economical purposes is equally responsible. Technology is somewhere responsible to efface our sober lifestyles.

It has laid an extensive burden on the irreplaceable resources and it might have enhanced human potential but subsequently reduced human limits. In order to meet our purpose we are turning a deaf ear towards the adverse effect of it.  We blind ourselves with the benefits of it which is the reason don’t realize its affliction.

We cannot cease using technology but we can make ourselves sure about it. We can identify and verify the qualms associated with it and can make a deliberation to control it.  Otherwise the future will see two employees, a man and a dog. The man will feed the dog. And the dog will help him keeping away from the equipment.

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